Wednesday 2 November 2011

Movie Review - The Adventure of Tintin : The Secret of Unicorn (2011)

Name: The Adventure of Tintin
Director: Steven Spielberg
Writer: Steven Moffat, Edgar Wright
Casting: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig

my name is Tintin; Captain Haddock

Review: Thanks for Nuffnang given me a chance to watch this movie. btw it is in 3D, it is also my first time to watch 3D.
are we there yet?

Story: it start when Tintin brought a unicorn model ship. accidently he found a secret scroll hidden in the model. then the game start when Tintin is kidnap by Sakharine who know the secret of the hidden scroll, Tintin manage to escape and he meet Captain Haddock which is the descendants of the great Richard Haddock. both of them, having a fight with Sakharine, to see who is the first one to get to the treasure.

this story is base on Tintin comic book, The Secret of the Unicorn. the movie is very entertaining, adventure pack, chasing and fighting. the adventure goes non-stop. hardly get bored in this movie. Captain Haddock and Tintin together is very funny and entertaining too.
Inspector Thomson and Thompson. Mr Slik

Visual: i always heard that 3D movie just only have some part is 3D. in this case, i can tell you that the whole movie is 3D, it is amazing where it is too damn real, the street, the room, table, even the face is 3D. very impressive.

Audio: all the music is good, using classical orchestra as background. the casting voice is loud and clear.
Ship on Desert?

Conclusion: totally recommended to everyone. either u know or dunno who is Tintin.

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